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Jamie Raskin, American Hero

On July 7th, 2022, Long Island’s liberal bubble feathered together in Congregation L’Vor D’Vor. Helmed by New York Congressman Steve Israel and Cara Longworth, political affictionados were rangled by the rough riders of Theodore’s Books in Oyster Bay, NY to hear Maryland Congressman

Jamie Raskin speak on behalf of his new book Unthinkable: Trauma, Truth, and the Trials of American Democracy. Light wood and soft brick backlit by blue stained glass, the Temple bristled waiting for the Congressmen to speak.

The night began with Long Island Direct of the NAACP Tracey Edwards on the bema warming up the crowd with her chummy relationship with Congressman Israel. Her biggest takeaway from her time working alongside Israel “Focus on constituents as your main priority. The rest will fall into place.” Gaining confidence, she displayed Raskin’s flawless NAACP scorecard “Meaning he has passed every single bill he has worked together with the NAACP.” A dedicated public servant, she recognized Raskin’s true spirit for his cause as a Constitutional Patriot and his call to build coalitions among conflict. “We need people who are powerful…courageous.” In fluid grace, she welcomes the Congressmen to the stage.

Congressman Steve Israel is a polished politician with a wide smile relaxed into his retirement. Politician-turned-businessman he oozes charm and always manages to slip out of the conversation leaving behind a Theodore’s Books memento. Congressman Jamie Raskin is in the fight for his life. His body could barely contain his maze of emotions battling towards the labyrinth’s center. Luckily, he has a strong moral compass and will to do the right thing.

Rugged Raskin spoke with a lion’s heart about the state of his nation and his late son, Tommy. The world lost Tommy Raskin on December 31st, 2020 due to a battle with depression. Days into his grief, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi called in a favor from Raskin to spearhead Trump’s second Impeachment trial. Raskin readily agreed, citing Pelosi as having passed him a life saver. On December 5th, the Raskin family buried their only son and on December 6th, Congressman Raskin -- alongside his daughter, Tabitha Raskin, and son-in-law, Hank Kronick -- walked into the Capitol Building to ratify the 2020 election.

The day was off from the start. The night before Raskin’s wife, Sarah Bloom Raskin, and the rest of the Raskin colony begged him not to go into work, pleading that it was too soon to set aside his grief. Congressman Raskin insisted that it was his Constitutional duty to ratify the election on the first Wednesday in January, the date looming large that Tuesday night. The following morning, Raskin left bereft.

Driving down D.C., onlookers displayed a colorful array of middle fingers raised sky high. Raskin ruffled his shoulders and proceeded inside the auditorium.

“Impeachment trials are the only days Congress can step foot on the Senate floor, which is why we like having them so often,” Raskin japed to the Congregation.

Deposited at the crest of political unrest, Pence proclaimed it is unconstitutional to act in former President Donald Trump’s interests and declare election fraud. Pence’s Constitutional duty is to ratify the election results from 50 States, and that is what he must do.

“There are two philosophies of a fascist regime,” Raskin unveiled. “Number One: Reject Democratic elections. Number Two: Embrace political violence.”

At 12:15pm on January 6th, 2021, Donald Trump holds a rally and goades his followers “You have to show strength.” His supporters trickle towards the Capitol amassing in waves. At 12:53pm, the first barricades outside the Capitol were breached. Hundreds of Proud Boys, NeoNazis, QAnon Believers, the 3% and more crashed the political party armed in ignorance incited by petty violence.

“Only once before in American history has the Capitol been attacked,” Raskin reminded. “And that was during the Civil War.”

By 2:10pm, Insurrectionists had breached the final innermost barrier and thrust themselves inside the sacred building. Senators and Congressional Officials fled the scene and hid under desks as the angry mob smashed glass and crashed inside. This paroxysm oxidized on entry, years of relentless rage turned loose in our nation’s Capitol. Domestic terrorists engorged their egos on the power trip of the century. Flagrantly flying Confederate flags through the halls, assaulting Capitol police officers, prying through private emails, a gallow was carried by chants to “Hang Mike Pence!” There was no distinguishing man from political prop.

Pleading oblivion, across the street Trump twiddled his thumbs. The ramage in full swing, Trump was coaxed at 2:38pm to tweet "Please support our Capitol Police and Law Enforcement. They are truly on the side of our Country. Stay peaceful!"

The building was declared clear three hours later and a semblance of balance was restored. Ill at ease Pence remained impassive, having displayed courage not fleeing the building with the Nuclear Football in tow. Had he left, Raskin predicted that there may not have been the opportunity for Congress to reconvene and ratify Joe Biden as the President of the United States.

Raskin wound down his recount, the synagogue thick with the trauma and grief of a man unable to sleep. No rest, no reward warns his conscious completely aware of the kind of dedicated, headstrong, foolhardy and courageous champion Raskin has proven himself to be. Raskin cannot stop because how could he? He threw himself into his work to pull himself out of his grief. He firmly believes in the power of the people to reach one another 1-by-1 and mobilize change, himself a model unstoppable agent. He agrees with his unlikely ally Liz Cheyney that each and every American shares Constitutional Rights that cannot be stripped away.

“We all have to be Constitutional Patriots,” he roared. “Making history…is about all of us. We are not racist. We are not xenophobic We are not sexist. We are not homophobic people.” He emphasized that the most important people of the United States are the people of the United States and it is the President’s sole job to enforce the written law.

The night closed with Tommy, whose egalitarian spirited infused Raskin’s political philosophy with bright-eyed optimism making imagination possible for an America who is courageous, caring, brilliant and bold people. We are capable of being these people. Democracy is built to be remade again and again and again. One person, one vote, one collective spurred to action for our greatest recollection of America ideals. Our duty is to protect a state where we get to decide who we will be, and we are not the ignorant swarms of hatred plaguing gullible minds. We are only as good as our weakest link, and the strong become weaker by not helping the hurt. The insurrection didn’t happen because people were satisfied with American hospitality but because these people felt pain. Deep, wounded, visceral pain at feeling economic strife, failing education, a political system that fails to listen to what the people are trying to say. These people acted out because they finally had a conduit to tell them “Go.” They lashed and they thrashed because violence is the only way they historically have been heard. If we do not heed these warning signs, another such turn lurks under the murky waters of the swamp.

Unthinkable can be bought at a bookstore near you.

“Teach what you hope to learn.” - Tai Chi Sages

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