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When Will Be the Last?

We face an amorphous multi-faced monster, tendrils coiling in laughter feeding off our feeble cries. Fed off the constant questioning, the same demands from despondent mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, grandparents, neighbors, swim team coaches, track competitors, and international allies alike of “When will gun violence end?” Sandy Hook wasn’t enough. Parkland wasn’t enough. The 26th other school shootings as of May 26th, 2022 haven’t been enough to prevent Robb Elementary coming in at number 27.

The monster cracks its tendrils in glee as politicians have balked at passing H.R.8 - The Bipartisan Background Checks Act of 2021. Back on the table as of May 25th, this bill “prohibits a firearm transfer between private parties unless a licensed gun dealer, manufacturer, or importer first takes possession of the firearm to conduct a background check.” Delighting in collective American misery, the beast takes turns trying on Mitch McConnel’s face insisting that the problem remains up to schools needing to amp up their security protocols before nestling behind Ted Cruz’s skin ridiculing Beto O’Rourke for making gun violence a political issue.

Children’s lives should not be politicized, but it's their blood that keeps the lobbyist’s wheels churning.

Last year, the NRA spent $3.31 million in lobbying. If the average School Based Mental Health Therapist makes approximately $51,064.50 yearly, then one year of lobbying could pay for the salaries of just about 64 mental health professionals in our schools.

The Uvalde, Texas shooter wasn’t a random stranger with a vendetta; he was an 18 year old in high school.

Despondent over not graduating with his class, socially isolated and retracting from life, he took up the mantle of America’s Next Top Massacre and performed the unspeakable. Hinting to a girl across the seas about his big reveal and DM’ing former classmates about his gun haul, he had the tell-tale signs of murderous intent seen in aforemented tragedies. This was not a person in imminent danger, this was a mind spiraling down a dark path ignoring exit signs to another road of liberation. Braggadocious, had the right person been listening these would have been ample opportunities to stop violence before inception. Had this killer existed in another culture where schools prioritized mental health counselors over police protection, or the space between gun and hand was prevented by background checks, or guns weren’t sold to civilians in the first place this tragedy could have been avoided.

It wasn’t, and we need to live with the consequences. What are you going to do about it?

Senator Phone Numbers

Richard Shelby (R-AL)(202) 224-5744

Tommy Tuberville (R-AL)(202) 224-4124

Lisa Murkowski (R-AK)(202) 224-6665

Dan Sullivan (R-AK)(202) 224-3004

Mark Kelly (D-AZ)202-224-2235

Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ)(202) 224-4521

John Boozman (R-AR)(202) 224-4843

Tom Cotton (R-AR)(202) 224-2353

Dianne Feinstein (D-CA)(202) 224-3841

Alex Padilla (D-CA)(202) 224-3553

Michael Bennet (D-CO)(202) 224-5852

John Hickenlooper (D-CO)(202) 224-5941

Richard Blumenthal (D-CT)(202) 224-2823

Chris Murphy (D-CT)(202) 224-4041

Tom Carper (D-DE)(202) 224-2441

Chris Coons (D-DE)(202) 224-5042

Marco Rubio (R-FL)(202) 224-3041

Rick Scott (R-FL)(202) 224-5274

Jon Ossoff (D-GA)(202) 224-3521

Raphael Warnock (D-GA)(202) 224-3643

Mazie Hirono (D-HI)(202) 224-6361

Brian Schatz (D-HI)(202) 224-3934

Mike Crapo (R-ID)(202) 224-6142

Jim Risch (R-ID)(202) 224-2752

Tammy Duckworth (D-IL)(202) 224-2854

Dick Durbin (D-IL)(202) 224-2152

Mike Braun (R-IN)(202) 224-4814

Todd Young (R-IN)(202) 224-5623

Joni Ernst (R-IA)(202) 224-3254

Chuck Grassley (R-IA)(202) 224-3744

Roger Marshall (R-KS)(202) 224-4774

Jerry Moran (R-KS)(202) 224-6521

Mitch McConnell (R-KY)(202) 224-2541

Rand Paul (R-KY)(202) 224-4343

Bill Cassidy (R-LA)(202) 224-5824

John Kennedy (R-LA)(202) 224-4623

Susan Collins (R-ME)(202) 224-2523

Angus King (I-ME)(202) 224-5344

Ben Cardin (D-MD)(202) 224-4524

Chris Van Hollen (D-MD)(202) 224-4654

Ed Markey (D-MA)(202) 224-2742

Elizabeth Warren (D-MA)(202) 224-4543

Gary Peters (D-MI)(202) 224-6221

Debbie Stabenow (D-MI)(202) 224-4822

Amy Klobuchar (D-MN)(202) 224-3244

Tina Smith (D-MN)(202) 224-5641

Cindy Hyde-Smith (R-MS)(202) 224-5054

Roger Wicker (R-MS)(202) 224-6253

Roy Blunt (R-MO)(202) 224-5721

Josh Hawley (R-MO)(202) 224-6154

Steve Daines (R-MT)(202) 224-2651

Jon Tester (D-MT)(202) 224-2644

Deb Fischer (R-NE)(202) 224-6551

Ben Sasse (R-NE)(202) 224-4224

Catherine Cortez Masto (D-NV)(202) 224-3542

Jacky Rosen (D-NV)(202) 224-6244

Maggie Hassan (D-NH)(202) 224-3324

Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH)(202) 224-2841

Cory Booker (D-NJ)(202) 224-3224

Bob Menendez (D-NJ)(202) 224-4744

Martin Heinrich (D-NM)(202) 224-5521

Ben Luján (D-NM)(202) 224-6621

Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY)(202) 224-4451

Chuck Schumer (D-NY)(202) 224-6542

Richard Burr (R-NC)(202) 224-3154

Thom Tillis (R-NC)(202) 224-6342

Kevin Cramer (R-ND)(202) 224-2043

John Hoeven (R-ND)(202) 224-2551

Sherrod Brown (D-OH)(202) 224-2315

Rob Portman (R-OH)(202) 224-3353

Jim Inhofe (R-OK)(202) 224-4721

James Lankford (R-OK)(202) 224-5754

Jeff Merkley (D-OR)(202) 224-3753

Ron Wyden (D-OR)(202) 224-5244

Bob Casey (D-PA)(202) 224-6324

Pat Toomey (R-PA)(202) 224-4254

Jack Reed (D-RI)(202) 224-4642

Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI)(202) 224-2921

Lindsey Graham (R-SC)(202) 224-5972

Tim Scott (R-SC)(202) 224-6121

Mike Rounds (R-SD)(202) 224-5842

John Thune (R-SD)(202) 224-2321

Marsha Blackburn (R-TN)(202) 224-3344

Bill Hagerty (R-TN)(202) 224-4944

John Cornyn (R-TX)(202) 224-2934

Ted Cruz (R-TX)(202) 224-5922

Mike Lee (R-UT)(202) 224-5444

Mitt Romney (R-UT)(202) 224-5251

Patrick Leahy (D-VT)(202) 224-4242

Bernie Sanders (I-VT)(202) 224-5141

Tim Kaine (D-VA)(202) 224-4024

Mark Warner (D-VA)(202) 224-2023

Maria Cantwell (D-WA)(202) 224-3441

Patty Murray (D-WA)(202) 224-2621

Shelley Moore Capito (R-WV)(202) 224-6472

Joe Manchin (D-WV)(202) 224-3954

Tammy Baldwin (D-WI)(202) 224-5653

Ron Johnson (R-WI)(202) 224-5323

John Barrasso (R-WY)(202) 224-6441

Cynthia Lummis (R-WY)(202) 224-3424

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