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Overturning Roe v. Wade is Bigger Than Policy

My rage has burned out. All that remains are my charred entrails and the severance of my belief in political liberation. It is not unusual to be let down by the federal government, but this time feels personal. A code of law protecting women for the past fifty years upended because of political inadequacy and enough distrust in our gobernal system for the American people to have elected a fascist-wannabe who had enough persuasive sway to enact legislation that is snowballing into calamity. Dubious Supreme Court official nominations and a repression of good sense has led our country into a dark epoch where dystopian villains are simulacrums of contemporary personalities. Republican hypocrisy and Democrat inadequacy work in tandem to create a fractured foundation along shifting tectonic plates. Back and forth we tilt from one outrage to the next; one historical misstep closer to collapse. We are impacted by our history, yet possess the power to counteract and resolve these conflicts now.

Every day I walk this campus and engage with people holding differing perspectives. I am continually amazed by the microcosm of American sensibilities housed in one university reflecting a diverse smorgasbord of thought. We each contain a different wealth of experience, yet I’ve found an overarching desire to do well for our communities and ourselves. We people want to see the world become a better place and are continually striving to make positive changes.

It does not matter if one believes in the right to choose or life begins at conception; what is most offensive is the gross indifference to the will of the American people by our current court of law. The great vocal minority of greedy conservative agents dictate the direction of America’s will. How will history remember what happens to us today? Where will our educated and lived experience manifest in our code of laws? How does our will dictate how we act? Will we stand silently and allow antiquated ideals to unravel hard won progress? Will we let people in positions of power unleash unyielding attacks on our civil liberties? Or will we fight back and speak up for our democratic necessity for our highest representatives reflecting the will of the people?

Too long have elected officials desecrated the sacred documents that shape our daily lives. America’s myth is built on the idea of being a country by the people, for the people. We walk along a path littered with shambled promises and vile injustices sited in the name of American exceptionalism while holding the caulk and concrete to pave the way smoothing the road to liberation. We do possess the power -- each and every one of us -- to participate in our democracy. We have our voices, from which we may speak out against moral thievery. We have the ability to listen; to our politicians, to our communities, to ourselves. For those of us lucky enough to possess this privilege, we have the power to vote.

Tuesday November 8th, 2022 is a midterm election. All 435 seats in the House of Representatives and 35 of the 100 Senate seats are up for national deliberation. You have the power to shape our future. Do your research, explore your options, and choose wisely. Think about who represents your best interests and most remember, the decisions we make today shape who we will be tomorrow.


Carbonaro, G. (3 May 2022). What Happens if Roe v. Wade is Overturned? Abortion Access by

State. Newsweek.

White House Releases Statement After Report on Leaked SCOTUS Draft Opinion (3 May 2022). NBC New York.

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